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Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 343: The Remnant

Today's Reading: Romans 11-13

I've always been a fan of remnants.

I grew up standing at my mother's side while she laid out patterns, cut fabric, basted and sewed, tailored and trimmed clothing to be worn day in and day out. All the scraps and remnants of cloth were saved in a hamper from which we could make our own doll clothes or art projects.

Even today, I am learning new ways to use old pieces of material. Whether it be a quilt or a rag rug, everything old becomes new and beautiful--and useful--in the hands of the crafter.

It does not surprise me, then, that the great Creator of everything seen and unseen, understands the value of a good piece of remnant. What many would throw away, God seems to find value in. God has a purpose for everything under heaven. God loves save, use and make beautiful the ripped, the broken and the devalued.

Even what was once despised and rejected, forsaken and abused, was God's greatest gift to us.

Here's to every mother who saved the remnants.

How like God you are!

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