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Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 128: Dead Dogs Rise

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 8-9, 1 Chronicles 18

One of the most wonderful and often unnoticed stories of the Bible is the story of Mephibosheth.

The young son of the king's son is crippled for life as the kingdom changes hands from the house of Saul to the house of David. Normally, the entire household of the previous kingdom would be utterly destroyed to keep an uprising from occurring. While fleeing to go into hiding, the nursemaid of this innocent drops Mephibosheth and he dwells in exile, paralyzed in body and spirit. He calls himself a dead dog.

I cannot imagine his despair.

I cannot imagine his fear.

I cannot imagine his life.

And then comes a summons from the new reigning king. This Dead Dog expects his final execution.

As he trembles upon his crutches, as he cowers on his sick mat, he comes before his judge and king.

My mind immediately jumps to the day of judgment when all of us will stand before our judge and king, with nothing to our credit but a broken and crippled life, and a bloodline of an enemy of the King.

But for the sake of Jonathon, whose name means "Beloved," David bestows upon Mephibosheth an inheritance and a place at his table. David's mercy to the Dead Dog is the direct result of his love for his beloved and faithful friend.

Does any of this sound familiar?

"You spread a table before me in the presence of my enemy,
you anoint my head with oil,
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

The Dead Dogs rise from the valley of bones and become a cherished member of the family.

What a great story!

What a great hope for you and me!

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