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Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 362: Heaven's Math

Today's Reading: Revelation 6-11

The number in heaven saved
12 x 12
10 x 10 x 10

2(12) x 3(10)

2 = faithful witnesses
12 = the people of God
3 = the trinity
10 = the perfect law

Those people of God
who heard and became
faithful witnesses
to the perfect law
of our God.

1 comment:

  1. 1000 means and can be translated in Hebrew Families - so the 144,000 is actually:

    12x12 - ie jews and Gentiles multiplied - all together - unlimited x by 1000 - all families of the earth

    The Hope is open to all that all, who choose to follow my be included - it is not a literal number cp Rev 7:5-8 - the tribes of israel - However 2 tribes are missing, Dan = Judgement - the judgement is passed at this point, and Ephraim = a double portion, as this has already been rewarded by including both Jews and gentiles
