I, like many in my generation, learned to read using the tales of Dick, Jane and Sally. These stories began with "See Dick." "See Dick run." The sentences were short. They were simple. And once we had mastered these simple commanding sentences, we were launched into a whole new and wonderful world of reading.
Exekiel is exposed to a very intriguing vision laden with the number four. Four represents humanity, but the living, created things in the vision have an interesting attribute:
"Wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go in that direction."
Ezekiel sees a vision of how beautiful and glorious the world would be if God's creation would listen and follow God's will.
Then the LORD speaks to Ezekiel in simple "Dick and Jane" language.
Here's what is intriguing about God's call on Ezekiel's life. God makes it very clear that Ezekiel's call is not dependent upon the people's response.
They might not welcome him. He is still supposed to "Go!"
They might not listen to him. He is still supposed to "Speak!"
Very simple.
Ezekiel, you are to go in the direction of my Spirit. You are to move when the Spirit says move. You are to stop when the Spirit says stop.
Robert Fulghum penned it perfectly in his book, All I Really Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten. From Dick, Jane and Sally's simple statements to "Mother May I," God's call on our life is fairly straightforward and uncomplicated.
But it is not simple.
It makes incredible demands.
despite the response...
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