I get up very early in the morning.
There are things you miss if you sleep in.
One of the beautiful morning sights at my home is the mist rising up from the lake as the sun rises.
It is hard to pass such beauty by without pausing in wonder.
Just as the mist rises up off the lake to blend into the air, so, I think, my voice rises to God when I pray.
People talk about prayer a lot in religious circles. They talk as if "prayer" itself is powerful. Phrases like "prayer changes things" kind of drive me crazy. "Prayer" doesn't change things; God's presence, grace, love and power changes things.
As I lift my misty voice to God in prayer, "my spirit ponders," as the Psalmist declares.
As my voice blends with the breath of God all around me, God reminds me of all the mighty acts of God.
In the midst of God, in God's presence, we are always aware of God's love and providence. Just as the mist rising from the lake causes us to pause, so does the awareness of God's presence.
Take it in...
Soak it up...
Rise, O my voice.
Rise and join breath to breath.
Rise, join and pause...
Be taken into the breath of God.
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